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Complaints Procedure

At Haven Bay Care Centre we strive to:

  • Achieve excellent standards

  • Respond effectively to complaints

  • Resolve any issues before they culminate in a complaint.

  • Take a proactive method of finding out what we are doing well in Haven Bay Care Centre and what needs to be improved.

  • We create a climate where feedback is encouraged and service users feel able to comment both positively and negatively about the service we provide. The emphasis is on swift and positive resolution of complaints as close to the source as possible.

  • Every staff member within Haven Bay Care Centre, no matter what grade or level takes responsibility for handling complaints within the guidelines.


Complaints Procedure

Please inform any member of staff of your complaint providing as much information as necessary in order to appropriately address the complaint. Complaints can be in person, by phone (021) 4777328, by email or by using our complaints form which is available on our website and on each floor.

All complaints are logged. Once a complaint is received, it will be responded to promptly and the problem will be resolved locally wherever possible. Immediate response to all complaints may not be possible, as some will require formal and careful consideration. The Director of Care co-ordinates complaints management.

Complaints are investigated by the Complaints Officer Jill Fitzgerald, ADON (021 4777328 or

A written complaint received will be acknowledged within 5 working days.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you may request a review by the Review Officer, Helen O’Regan, Operations Manager (021 4777328 or

The review will be carried out within 20 days.

If you want an external organisation to look at how your complaint has been handled, you can contact relevant agency below to consider your complaint:

Assistance: If you require assistance with making a complaints, our Activities Co-ordinator Deirdre Mullins can assist you.

In addition, the following free and independent Advocacy Agencies are available:

Patient Advocacy Service,, 0818293003 or 2. SAGE,, 1850 719 400

Redress: as redress for complaints upheld, we will offer a sincere and meaningful apology, an explanation and correction of error. Learnings from complaints are collated and disseminated.

Get in touch

Haven Bay Care Centre
Kinsale, co. Cork, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)21 4777328

© 2025 by Haven Bay Care Centre. All rights reserved.

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